Nowadays, when you go to the movies...every announcement of their movie title is always complimented with the phrase..." 3D!"...yea yea yea...everything in I decided to make one of my artworks.."in 3D!" yup so-called blackwidow car..which i previously did on MS now..."in 3D!!"..using MS Excel as well...just to refresh you.. the 2D version of the car I drew few months back..looks quite cool and everything when it is already in 2D mode... 3D!!!!!

Note that this work is not 100% completed...notice that it still doesn't have an exhaust nor air intake..anyhow, the work still goes on...however, using the Excel program to perform 3D is not doesn't allow you to tapaer the 2D shapes at a certain angle, leaving my car to look quite squarish especially when viewed from the front or back...and maybe from the top.. using actual 3D softwares permits the use of the tapering of the surface..
This work took me about 1 week to complete..especially when you try to imagine the shapes you would have to go thru and all the rotation and panning to get the positioning right..